
Cornerstone bible study
Cornerstone bible study

cornerstone bible study

In 1998 the adjacent building of the local primary school became vacant and was bought, increasing space for classrooms and childcare facilities.An introduction to the process of determining the original meaning and contemporary significance of biblical texts. In 1997 the name of the school was changed into Cornerstone – Centre for Intercultural Studies. It was a real faith venture and much help and finance came from many unexpected sources. Two couples from the Australian MTC pioneered this new ‘Euro MTC’ and much hard work was put in before the first students arrived in the autumn of 1989.

cornerstone bible study

As the sisters of Julie Postel heard of WEC’s emphasis on prayer and mission, they were glad to sell the property. The convent had been home to two Catholic sisterhoods, who had served the local community for many years. After much prayer and searching the former convent in Beugen in the southeast of the Netherlands was found and purchased in 1988. The WEC leadership decided that a new location should be sought on the continent of Europe. In the late seventies, the Glasgow MTC had to close down due to its limited accommodation.

cornerstone bible study

Some years later a second MTC was opened in Tasmania, Australia. The great need was felt of a Bible college training specifically geared to prepare missionary candidates. In 1947 WEC International founded the Missionary Training College in Glasgow. We do all we can to provide services and advice to help students with children to combine study and care for the family. Cornerstone Bible College for Mission Training endeavors to create a family-friendly environment in the college. Nowadays couples with children make up a large percentage of the missionary candidates.

  • The unity in Christ of all believers who make up the Church, his body, which is his witness throughout the world.
  • The resurrection of the dead: those who are in Christ resurrected to a life forever with God and those who are outside of Christ resurrected to final judgment.
  • The justification of the sinner solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ.
  • Redemption through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit as essential for salvation.
  • The sinfulness and guilt of all humanity since the fall, so that every person comes under God’s judgment.
  • The Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, as originally given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, entirely trustworthy, and the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit to transform lives and empower for life and service.
  • The deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, his virgin birth and sinless life, his miracles, his atoning death on the cross for us, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to the right hand of the Father, his work as a mediator, and his return in power and glory.
  • One God, creator and sustainer of all things, existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Our aim is to develop students spiritually, mentally and morally, and to equip them with information and skills necessary for the expansion and development of the Church of Jesus Christ. Our tools are a program of biblical, theological, missiological studies and practical ministry involvement in an international community. “Practical Bible-based mission training across cultures” The aim of Cornerstone is expressed in our mission statement: The school was founded and is owned by WEC-International (website) but we train candidates for many mission organizations, aid agencies, and church missions. We are open for discussion and difference of opinion on secondary matters, but seek to avoid controversies and extremes. We stand firm on the basic evangelical beliefs. Living in the international and intercultural community of the college is part of the training.Ĭornerstone is an interdenominational evangelical Bible college. Besides the general biblical and theology studies, our emphasis is on missiological subjects, intercultural communication and preparation to live and work in another culture. Most Cornerstone staff members have in-depth mission experience.Īt Cornerstone Bible College we train people to communicate the gospel cross-culturally. … a Bible College for Mission Training, offering students practical and academic training in a mission-oriented setting. Cornerstone Centre for Intercultural Studies is.

    Cornerstone bible study